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Last Minute Hunting and Fishing Hits the Road.

With the expensive show season in full swing, Outfitters are looking for alternatives to get the “word out”about their business in the most cost effective way possible.
With that in mind, Last Minute Hunting and Fishing have committed to do a number of Sportsman shows from coast to coast in North America.
We will be partnering with eight of our selected Outfitter Members at each show.
We will be offering a wide variety of species and activities from across the globe.
Each Outfitter offering a different show special.
You can send all the emails you want but nothing beats face to face interaction with potential client.
By cost sharing with our members we will not only increase our own brand awareness, but give each Member an opportunity to feature their businesses without breaking the bank.
Having dealt with, and visited many of our Member Outfitters over the last 11 years, allows us to represent them in a professional manor with first hand knowledge of their businesses.

We will be attending the Toronto Sportsman show this March:

Why not stop by and check out some of our Great Specials.