No Fly Zone Waterfowl Outfitters is located 30 minutes NE of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Owner and operator John Prosak purchased the property due to its location in the heart of Saskatchewan’s flyway. This province is home to one of the largest duck populations on the continent. Thousands of “honkers” fill the sky with long V-formations; snow geese cover fields like freshly fallen snow, and sandhill cranes fill the air with distinctive rolling cries. With our high bag limits and multiple species of waterfowl, No Fly Zone is in the centre of the migration. There is no other place in Canada to experience hunting like this.
John has been a guide in the hunting industry since 2007 making clients successful with waterfowl, whitetail, bear, and bighorn sheep hunts. You may have seen him on TV shows such as Driven, Winchester Deadly Passion, The Fowl Life, and Avian X, creating memorable and successful hunts with his clients. With his hardworking staff of professionals, No Fly Zone strives to provide their clients with just that; successful, memorable, safe hunts.
No Fly Zone Waterfowl Outfitters is a member of the SCPO (Saskatchewan Commission of Professional Outfitters) and operates under the outfitting license number E9022.