Alaska’s Anvik River Lodge is Located about 450 miles Northwest of Anchorage we really are the only lodge on the entire Anvik River. Our nearest neighbor is about 75 miles downstream in the Athabascan village of Anvik. It’s just us and the wildlife on this 120+ mile river.
Having the distinction of being Alaska’s most remote full-service fishing lodge can likely mean that we’re one of the most remote full-service fishing lodges in world. Our mission is to share and excite one’s spirit with the wonder and beauty of this vast wilderness with all who come here, whether it be guests or staff members. We will always strive to provide a positive life changing experience that encompasses a harmonious blend between the creature comforts of society and our beloved mother-nature.
The Fishing:
One of the most desirable things about fishing the Anvik, besides that fact that there’s not at all crowded, is the variety of fishing that can be enjoyed on this beautiful drainage. You can choose to drift fish from the boat, fish from the gravel shores of the Anvik or wade fish. Each day you fish with a different guide and different area of the river and its tributaries. Our accomplished guides each have their own techniques to help you catch more fish than you can imagine. We practice catch & release of the resident pike, char & grayling with the exception of shore lunches if you choose. We currently practice catch & release for sockeyes as well. Guests are allowed to keep male chum, king & silver salmon only and house limits are currently 1 king per person per day & 2 chum and silvers per person per day. All limits are subject to change per the State of Alaska regulations.
Whether you are a novice or a seasoned angler, fly-fisher or spin caster, you’ll have the time of your life reeling in Pacific Salmon, Northern Pike, Arctic Char, Dolly Varden, Arctic Grayling and White Fish all on the Anvik River. Your guide will take you by jet boat to the hottest fishing you can imagine.