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Corey Kristoff’s Classic Mountain Hunts

Hunting in North America

Enjoy the Timeless Tradition of Hunting the Alberta Rockies

  Like most hunters Corey started hunting at a young age and his passion for such things have brought him here today. Corey started his outfitting career  16 years ago in the same area he guides today. He believes in carrying on the traditions of those who first outfitted here more than a hundred years ago and blazed trails on trade routes though the mountain passes of Alberta. Corey has kept his business small by choice to ensure high quality hunting experiences.

Classic Mountain Hunts provides non Alberta Residents and Non-Resident Aliens the opportunity to harvest Big Game from Alberta. Classic Mountain Hunts specializes in providing traditional back country Hunting experiences. Holding allocations for Big Horn Sheep, Canadian Moose, Rocky Mountain Elk. Additionally holding allocations for Whitetail Deer, Mule Deer and Black Bear. big game hunting travel service.

 All hunts offered are spot and stalk. Depending on the hunt you choose, you may have the option of hunting from a back-country camp or directly from our cabins.If you are hunting from the cabins you will still get that back-country feeling as all cabins are ‘rustic’ in style, surrounded by Alberta`s breathtaking views. 

The back-country camps are traditional western style with canvas wall tents and wood heat. Everything is packed in and out camp on horseback. big game hunting.