Dzombo Safaris:
Dzombo Hunting Safari’s offer guided hunting and tourism trips across Africa. Our trips are open to men, women and children.
The inspiration for the name Dzombo Hunting Safaris was drawn from legendary conservation work. Over thirty years ago seven impressive elephant bulls, all with tusks weighing more than 50 kg each, could be found in Kruger National Park. They were given the collective name, the Magnificent Seven, and Dzombo was one of them. The word ‘Dzombo’ is derived from the Tsonga word Dzombolo meaning ‘to wait for something that is slow in coming.’
The core and sole business of DHS is guided hunting trips across Africa, combined with tourism, educating and developing small villages and communities throughout Namibia on the importance of protecting wildlife and their environment and how to co-exist together.
We pride ourselves in maintainging good standing with local government and hunting associations, including international hunting and conservation associations. Our core values are based on honest integrity, being respectful and loving to the world and mankind, and inspiring our fellow humans with our passionate and adventurous outlook on life.
As Teddy Roosevelt once said: “The beauty and charm of the wilderness are his for the asking, for the edges of the wilderness lie close beside the beaten roads of the present travel.”