Trophy Texas Whitetails!
Established in 1985 by Susan and Ray Murski, Flint Creek Ranch is located in Bosque county near Meridian TX.
The ranch sits on 1400 acres, high-fenced and intensively managed to produce some of the LARGEST whitetails in Texas.
Privately hunted since 1985, Mike Murski opened it’s gates to commercial hunting is 2013.
For almost 30 years, this Texas ranch has been private and growing incredible trophy whitetails.
Once a place to grow a sporting goods industry and business, FCR is now designed to be a luxury escape from the corporate world, the owners, Mike & Jackie Murski, have created one of the finest hunting/fishing properties available.
It’s the best kept secret of Texas!
The bucks on these hunts score from 140″ up to 250″ + gross B&C. This Texas whitetail hunting ranch exemplifies the true Texas spirit.
The facilities are of five star quality. Between hunts, you can spend some time hooking into Largemouth bass on one of the 3 stocked lakes. Flint Creek Ranch offers a first-class hunting experience that you cannot find just anywhere.
Come hunt FCR for the Hunt of A Lifetime!!!