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Keg Country Outfitters

Hunting in North America

Northern Alberta Moose and Black Bear.


Alberta is home to the Canadian sub-species of Moose, larger than the Shiras moose in body size but smaller than the famous “Alaska-Yukon” Moose. Ranging from 800-1400lbs. Where we hunt these moose, they are found anywhere from clear-cut blocks of forest with new vegetation to the River beds and everywhere in between.  During the rut, bulls are in search of cows which makes them much more likely to come into our calls making this one of the most exciting hunts you will ever experience.
The possibility of seeing a mature bull is likely but never guaranteed as weather conditions and intensity of the rut are major factors in the movement of these Moose.

In the heat of the rut, our true remote wilderness Moose hunt is second to none!

Black Bear:

At Keg Country, what sets us apart from other hunting destinations is that our bear hunts take place strictly in the fall months allowing the bears an extended period of time to grow massive, healthy and fill their beautiful hides out.  We also have one of the highest concentrations of Black Bears in North America. 

In the heat of the rut, our true remote wilderness moose hunt is second to none!

When you book with us, you can rest assured that you are in for the trip of a lifetime.  You will go home ecstatic, satisfied and eager to book your next trip!