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Hunting in North America

Black Dog Outfitters



Rare Cancellation Hunt Special!

Experience Hunting in Alberta; a bird hunter’s paradise offering abundant waterfowl and liberal limits.

Black Dog Outfitters is located in the heart of the “Duck Factory” and have the highest densities of breeding ducks on the continent!
We have great mallard and pintail shooting right from the September 1st opener through to the end of October. Goose hunting is exceptional throughout the year. We have exceptional large honker hunting early in September and then we see thousands of specs move in then followed by lesser Canada geese and snows.

This premier Waterfowl Outfitter is booked years in advance, due to a late cancellation you win.

They have 3 spots available from September 13, 14 and 15 2018

3 days 5 Hunts, Meals, Accommodations, Guiding, pick up and drop off at Edmonton international.

Regular Price: 2500.00

Last Minute Special: 1950.00

( Gun rental available)


Blaine Burns
Black Dog Outfitters
Box 514
Tofield, AB
T)B 4J0
Phone: (780) 203 2876

