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Hunting in North America

Bull Moose Wilderness Adventures

The Maine event!

Guaranteed Moose Tag in Maine

Maine created a program to help Maine Sporting Lodges reach a new market of clients for Maine hunting.  Each year fully licensed Maine Sporting Camps (Outfitters) are issued a moose hunting tag.  This tag can be sold by the Sporting Camp as part of a hunting package including meals and lodging.  The tag is issued at a cost of $1,500 and the proceeds are used to fund Moose research and youth hunter safety programs.

Outfitter Tag Moose Hunting Package:

  • Lodging, meals, non-alcoholic drinks and snacks for up to 8 days and 7 nights for permittee and sub-permittee.
  • 6 days of hunting
  • Transportation to/from Maine Airports
  • Transportation during the hunt
  • Air scouting via plane the week before the hunt
  • Full time guide
  • Scouts, spotters and recovery team
  • Recovery of harvest and field dressing
  • Transportation of harvest to processor or use our on-site cooler and processing
  • Transportation to local taxidermist – Ask us for recommendations
  • Custom photography and memory book for you and your sub-permittee.
  • Hunting and fishing of other species after your hunt

Package price – $17,500 plus tax, gratuities, licenses and permits.

See Auction Below:

2021 Maine Moose Tag and Hunt Auction:

We are taking bids for our sporting lodge/outfitters permit and hunting package.  Bidding will close at 5pm on July 9th.  High bid amount will be updated twice a day.  Winning bidder will be required to submit 50% deposit within 24 hours and the balance will be due by August 15th.  Bid amounts will be inclusive of tax and permit fee.  Hunting license and gratuities will be separate.  Please see above for other details of what is included.

Hunt dates are for the September Rut season starting Monday September 27th and ending Saturday October 2nd.

Current bid is: 12,500

To Book your hunt or place your bid :

Ron Greco (207) 740-0200 
Ryan Dicker (207)557-1243
