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Hunting in North America

Keg Country Outfitters

Northern Alberta Moose Prime Rut Hunt!

Alberta is home to the Canadian sub-species of Moose, larger than the Shiras moose in body size but smaller than the famous “Alaska-Yukon” moose. Ranging from 800-1400lbs. Where we hunt these Moose, they are found anywhere from clear-cut blocks of forest with new vegetation to the River beds and everywhere in between.  During the rut, bulls are in search of cows which makes them much more likely to come into our calls making this one of the most exciting hunts you will ever experience.

Only 2 spots remain don’t miss out!

This is an 8 day hunt Oct. 3 -10th 2022 during the peak of the rut.

A typical day in camp consists of waking up well before day light, having breakfast and heading out to our favorite spots for day break.  You can expect to travel with your guide on his/her atv stopping at various locations to glass or call.
You may also paddle quietly down the river hopping to see a bull around that next bend.

One of the keys to success is the remote location we hunt giving you the best opportunity to harvest your Moose.

Regular price: 12,000

All inclusive Last minute Special 10,500


Fall Black Bear Hunt…..includes 2 Bears!

In our biased opinion, the fall season is the best time to hunt black bear. After months of eating berries, clover and oats these bears can have upwards of 6-8 inches of fat on their backs. This prepares them for the long winter ahead. After an extended period of time out of their dens, contrary to the spring season, their fur has had ample time to grow thick and lush essentially eliminating the possibility of thin hair or rubbed out spots.

Limited Spots remain for these giants.

Archery hunt: August 25 – 30th 2022
Reg Price 5500.

Last Minute Special: 3500

Rifle hunts; Sept. 8th – 13th.
Sept. 15th – 20th

Regular price: 5500

Last Minute Special 4500 for 2 Bears


Keg Country Outfitters Ltd
5221 52 Ave
St. Paul, Alberta T0A 3A1

Adrien Jacques

