L C Outfitting Ltd.
Alberta Bighorn Sheep:
Border closures effecting travel from abroad has created unprecedented opportunities for Canadian residents.
L.C. Outfitters is typically booked 3 – 4 years in advance.
If you’re looking to take your hunting trip to the next level, look no further. With Landen Collings and his highly skilled team, LC Outfitting promises to provide you with the environment and guidance you need to bring home your biggest trophy yet.
Experience a first class hunt in one of Canada’s most game rich provinces. Enjoy the breath taking scenery while hunting beside the Cadomin Mine, Jasper, Banff, and Waterton National Parks.
Alberta Big Horn Sheep hunt:
Sept 1-14 and Sept. 17-30 2021
Regular price 50k U.S.
Last Minute Special: $38,000 Canadian.
Mountain Elk Hunts:
Mountain Elk hunt last few years bulls average above 300 inches.
Elk hunts are rifle sept 16-23.
Regular price:$12,000 usd
Last Minute Special; 10,000 cdn.
Contact Landen for complete details:
L C Outfitters ltd.
Phone: 403.563.8873
Email: lcoutfitting@gmail.com
Website: https://www.lcoutfitting.com/