Predator vs Prey Outfitters Bear
2 spots left for this year: Sold out now booking for 2024
The D-LOOP has a reputation of attracting big bears.
Studies show that some big bears may travel over a 100 miles in a year in search of good habitat and sows to breed.
The owner of PREDATOR vs PREY OUTFITTING, Dave Silva, is proud to announce that he will be baiting and offering high quality bear hunts at the D-LOOP, the D-Loop was established by Dan Hungle in the 1980’s
Mr. Dan Hungle published the book the bears are calling in 2017 with many stories of the many hunts, with even famous hunting celebrities who have hunted the D-loop such as Ralph and Vicki Cianciarulo, and Fred Eichler!
We offer a high quality Bear hunt in the far North, in Northern Alberta with a quality wilderness camp, where you are truly in the middle of nowhere camping and hunting along beautiful boreal forests and remote river banks
Our wilderness camp consists of large canvass wall tents, wood burning stoves, thick foam cots, a hot water on demand shower with a shower house, and a full kitchen with propane oven/stoves, fridges, microwaves, freezers, and most importantly delicious home cooked meals to keep our clients happy!
This includes transport to and from the airport, food and beverage, wall tent housing, shower & outhouse facilities, and trophy care (caping and skinning).
We have 8 spots for May 2024
We are running our Spring 2024 Bear hunts 6 day bear hunt, 4,050 USD. and $1,000 USD for the second bear. Don’t be disappointed, reserve now!
David Silva
Predator vs Prey Outfitters
Edmonton, Alberta
Call, or text 780-446-3159
Email predatorvspreyoutfitting@gmail.com
Website: https://www.predatorvsprey.ca/