St. Clair Guide Service
Book early and save!
A true hunter’s paradise offering abundant waterfowl. Lake St. Clair is known as being one of the most significant staging areas for waterfowl in Southern Ontario.
St. Clair Guide Service offers a style of hunting that is unique to Canada as our hunting is done on big water out of large boats with custom made blinds as opposed to dry field hunting.
In the first weeks of October, Redheads and Greater and Lesser Scaup start making their way to the lake while the Canvasback are not far behind, showing up in early November. Rafts of divers ducks as long as 12 – 14 miles long have been described and seen in the east end Mitchells Bay area of Lake St. Clair, our home turf.
You will depart from the marina with your guide in our 25′ custom boat hide for a safe and enjoyable day of waterfowl hunting. Breakfast is cooking and served in the blind as well as lunch if the day is longer. You have the boat for the day. We will hunt until we harvest our days limit or 1 hour before sunset.
St. Clair Duck Hunting:
Seasons start late Sept – Dec. 2021
Per hunter per day includes:
- – 24′ custom boat hide
- – Decoys
- – Guide
- – Hot breakfast on boat.
Last Minute Special: 250 cdn. per day, book a group of 4 and the 5th hunter is free.
Book your waterfowl hunts now before the dates are gone.
Troy Poynter
St. Clair Guide Service
Phone: 226 975 1987
Email: troypoynter55@gmail.com
Website: https://stclairduckhunts.com/