Tiger Hills Outfitting
Saskatchewan Waterfowling at its Best!
Saskatchewan Guided Hunts: We specialize in providing full service outfitted waterfowl hunts for Canada Geese, Snow Geese, Ross Geese, Specklebellied Geese (whitefronted Geese) Mallard Ducks, Pintail ducks and other species of dabbling and diving ducks, as well as sandhill crane hunting.
A Typical Day During your Waterfowl Hunt:
- Continental breakfast followed by a short trip to a previously scouted field shoot
- Enjoy the morning action for dark geese or white geese and sometimes ducks
- Get some photos taken, pack up and travel back to lodge for a hearty lunch
- Relax after lunch and then head out mid afternoon for more duck hunting and goose hunting action.
- Arrive back at the hunting lodge at the end of the day to enjoy a 3 or 4 course home cooked meal.
Relax, tell stories, dream of tomorrow’s adventure, maybe watch your favorite team play on the satellite TV, and then, hit the bed to get rested for the next day.
Fully Inclusive Hunting Packages:
Call to book your 2021 dates.
Price includes 2 hunts per day except last day 1 hunt, meals, lodging, airport pickup / drop off and tax.
Last Minute Special:
Rates are: 25% off
2800 plus gst for 5 days Special: (2100)
2400 plus gst for 4 days Special: (1800)
2100 plus gst for 3 days Special: (1575)
Includes everything except license, shells, bird cleaning and tips.
Call Quinton for available date.
Quinton Tait
Phone: 306-941-7676
Email: tho@tigerhills.ca
Web: http://www.tigerhills.ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Tigerhills-Outfitting-925755577479722/about/