Trail End Camp & Outfitters
Manitoba Muzzleloader Whitetail 2022……save $1000.00
Our hunting packages are all inclusive. The only thing you need to bring is your weapon and your clothing requirements and gear. Once your hunt is booked we will send you a list of equipment/ gear to bring along.
Hunters that are guests at our camp stay in our fully modern waterfront cabins which are equipped with televisions, satellite cable service, etc. All the amenities of home. This is no tent camp experience but a vacation package. The comfort level is first class. Meals are prepared and served in our Main lodge and dining area and as past customers will attest, Maureen’s meals are second to none.
Four Muzzleloader Whitetail hunts available for November 6-13 2022
Regular price is 3999.00.
Last Minute Special 2999.00.
Vance Hrechkosy and Maureen
Trail End Camp & Outfitters
Website; www.trailendcamp.com
Email: vance@trailendcamp.com
1-866-404-4868 or 1 204 340-7143