Westwoods Outfitters
Newfoundland Moose 2022
Our success rate is 95% for Moose
Westwoods Outfitters has been in business for 23 years and has an excellent reputation for service.
So if you are looking to get that Moose you have always wanted, now is your chance to do so and save money too.
We have guides that have been hunting for 25-30 years.
Westwoods Outfitters is located on the South West Coast of Newfoundland, Canada.
We are approximately one hour and forty five minutes from the ferry terminal in Port aux Basques to our camp, located in the Long Range Mountains.
You can drive right to our door in a pickup!
First Hunt take place between Sept. 11- 16th 2022
Second hunt is a Rut hunt Oct. 2nd till the 7th 2022 you can pick week that works for you.
Prices include 2 on 1 guide services, accommodations, full time cook, meals (including lunch packs), and transportation while hunting.
Last Minute Special: 4900.00 plus license & taxes.
Non hunters are welcome for only 500.00.
Contact Stewart now to book your week.
Westwoods Outfitters
Stewart Butland
P.O. Box 173
Doyles, Newfoundland
Canada, A0N 1J0
(709) 955-2855
(709) 214 1913 Cell
Email: sbutland@nf.sympatico.ca
Website: http://www.westwoodsoutfitters.com