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Hunting in North America

Wilderness Tracks Outfitters



Colorado Combo!

Some seasons requires draws. Very high success rate but must be in by April 7th.

2020 Elk / Mule Deer combos:

Wilderness Tracks Outfitters has limited opening left for this season.

Wilderness Tracks has three separate parcels of land that have been in the family for 4 generations.
They know where the game animals like to hang out depending on changing weather and hunting pressure.
Their land is on the edge of where the animals leave the safety of the mountains to migrate to their winter grounds on the plains.
The game animals also leave adjacent areas where there is greater hunting pressure to look for food and water and a place to hide out.
We see  Elk and Mule deer daily and search for legal sized animals during the various Colorado large game seasons.
We only take 4 point or better Elk and mature Mule Deer.

2020 Seasons:

Oct.10 – Oct. – 14
Oct. 10 -m Oct 24
Nov. 07 – Nov. 13
Nov. 18 – Nov. 22

Second and third seasons are over the counter Elk.  Mule deer are draw only,  all of the seasons, but we do have landowner tags for deer.

Included: Meals, accommodations, 2 on 1 guiding, Game prep, all transportation during hunt.


Last Minute combo pricing: 7600.00

Remember: Some seasons require draws. Very high success rate but must me in by April 7th. Contact Dan for assistance.

Cow Elk Hunts are now available Nov. and Dec.

A few Antelope spots remain, contact Dan for pricing and details.


Daniel Johnson
Wilderness Tracks Outfitters
Craig, Colorado
Phone: (970) 824-7874

